
PFA-CE Project, National ToTs
The aim of the EU funded project PFA-CE (Psychological First Aid and Psycho-social Support in Complex Emergencies) is to improve first aid management and psychosocial support capabilities during complex emergencies.....

5th Partner Meeting
From 7-8 March 2019, the Red Cross of North Macedonia hosted the 5th and final partner meeting of the EU-funded project Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in Complex Emergencies (PFA-CE), in Skopje.....
Presentation of Guidance for Protection and Improvement of Mental Health of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Republic of Serbia
Red Cross of Serbia was visited by representatives of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to learn more about the work of the Red Cross of Serbia related to health prevention programmes, psychosocial support to migrants and programmes focusing on ageing and older people.....

Psychological first aid and Psychosocial support in Complex Emergencies – Training for Trainers
In the Red Cross of Serbia headquarters, between 7 and 9 December 2018, a regional training workshop was organised. Its goal was improving the capacities of regional National Societies to provide psychological first aid and psychosocial support......

Psychological first aid and Psychosocial support in Complex Emergencies – Train the Trainers Workshop, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16-18 November 2018
From 16-18 November 2018 the first Train the Trainers Workshop for Multipliers took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Guided by experts from the University of Innsbruck and the Austrian Red Cross 25 participants including Red Cross staff and volunteers from Italy, Slovenia, and Austria involved in disaster response management and coordination actively participated in the workshop......

Visit of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies representatives to the Red Cross of Serbia
Red Cross of Serbia was visited by representatives of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies to learn more about the work of the Red Cross of Serbia related to health prevention programmes, psychosocial support to migrants and programmes focusing on ageing and older people.....

Sexual and Gender Based Violence Training for Trainers, Belgrade, Serbia, 22-24 June 2018
Red Cross of Serbia Headquarters, together with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies organised a training for trainers focusing on Sexual and Gender Based Violence within the framework of Psychosocial Support programmes....
Dignified sport activities – football tournament in Burma Par
Football tournament in Burma Para as Psychosocial activity of Italian Red Cross, Danish Red Cross and Bangladesh Red Crescent....

Croatian PSS response to Landslides Crisis
The Croatian Red Cross reacted fast when a landslide hit Croatian town Hrvatska Kostajnica on March 13, 2018. On the same day, psychosocial support teams conducted an initial needs assessment and provided psychological first aid to people who were evacuated from their homes and accommodated in private housing and a local hotel....
PFA-CE project partners met in Kranj in Slovenia to discuss draft Training of Trainers material on Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in disasters and crisis
PFA-CE project partners met in Kranj in Slovenia to discuss draft Training of Trainers material on Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in disasters and crisis...

Transnational Experience Exchange Workshop in Croatia
On 29 and 30 November 2017 the Croatian Red Cross hosted Transnational Experience Exchange Workshop in Zagreb, an important milestone in the EU-funded project ...

Croatian Red Cross hosts transnational experience exchange workshop in Zagreb
In times of more frequent and long-term disasters and crises, improving disaster response capacities became significant for European emergency and volunteer organisations...

PFA-CE project at the European Red Cross Societies Network for Psychosocial Support (ENPS) in Helsinki
This year the annual ENPS forum, hosted by the Finnish Red Cross, was held from 6-8 October in Helsinki, Finland. Innovation in Psychosocial Support was the main topic...

PFA-CE project partners met in Rome to discuss research results on existing materials and guidelines in Psychological First Aid and volunteer/staff support in disasters and crisis
From 14-15 September 2017 all PFA-CE project partners met in Rome to discuss the desk research on existing guidelines, tools and recommendations for (a) Psychological First Aid (PFA)...

Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in Complex Emergencies
On 8 September 2017 the Red Cross of Serbia organised a workshop as part of the EU supported project “Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Support in Complex Emergencies”.

National experience exchange workshop in Croatia
On 7 September 2017, as a part of the project PFA-CE, national experience exchange workshop was held in Zagreb, Croatia by the Croatian Red Cross. In order to provide as much information ...

National workshop for experience exchange at the Macedonian Red Cross for psychosocial support in emergency response
On 28 June 2017 at the premises of the Macedonian Red Cross there was a national workshop for experiences exchange on psychosocial support in emergency situations with participation of all national acters...
Italian Red Cross shares experience on psychosocial support in emergency response
On 26 May 2017 the Italian Red Cross organized a lessons learned workshop on psycho-social support (PSS), psychological first aid (PFA) and volunteer and staff support in emergencies. Representatives and superiors of all departments...

Workshop on experience exchange held in Austria
On 15 May 2017 the Austrian Red Cross organized a national workshop on experience exchange on Psycho Social Support (PSS) and Psychological First Aid (PFA), focusing on the preparedness...

Project Kick off meeting held in Vienna 3-4 April 2017
The PFA-CE kick- off meeting was organized by the AutRC for all 6 project partners in view of gaining deepened understanding of the project and agreeing on what has to be...